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Our Key Research

Walton research is spearheading the development of next generation digital technologies

The breadth of Walton’s research expertise is unique globally and the Institute’s structure supports collaborative innovation with industry to unlock the potential of digital content. Walton has attracted over €140 million funding from research and industry collaborations.

Explore our research areas

The Emerging Networks Laboratory (ENL) Research Division focuses its research efforts on communication networks: how they are designed, configured and used. Recent advances in wireless networking have enabled unprecedented data rates and reliable connectivity. These advances are currently being rolled out in 5G deployments. Emerging applications like autonomous driving or mixed reality will pose significant research challenges for networking beyond 5G. ENL members build physical and link-layer models, configure networks to use resources more effectively while responding to failures, develop resource allocation models covering networking from the centre to the edge and devise protocols to protect the security of the data and privacy of its owners.

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Our Research Focuses:

The Programmable Autonomous Systems Division (PAS) seeks to research, develop and commercialise techniques, tools and algorithms that will ensure citizens can benefit from the digital evolution. We advocate that future digital platforms, in particular transport and energy, must exhibit a set of fundamental characteristics if they are to cope with rapidly changing requirements in such a complex environment.

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Our Research Focuses:

The field of Digital Health and associated Precision Healthcare initiatives is undergoing explosive growth both in academic research and commercial settings. The MEPS Division at Walton spearhead research in areas such as Pervasive Sensing, Extended Reality (Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality) and eTextiles/Smart Materials.

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Our Research Focuses:

The Research Infrastructure & Testbeds Division (RIT) plays a cross-cutting organisation role in not only pursuing research in its own thematic areas, but by actively engaging in the research and development of facilities, lab spaces, testbeds, other bespoke ICT systems, and providing access to, or generating, datasets. A principal element in the division is the development of connections between testbeds that will help foster inter-disciplinary research between the different fields. The research activity crosses thematic areas with a focus on deploying research outputs either within the Walton Research Data Centre or as part of national and international research infrastructures and thereby validating the research with as many users and use-cases as possible.

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Our Research Focuses:

Research Ireland Centres

Research Ireland Centres link scientists and engineers in partnerships across academia and industry to address crucial research questions. Walton Institute is partnering on 4 Centres across diverse areas including agri-tech, future networks, software and neurological diseases.

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Innovation centres illustration

All of our research themes: