The 38-months project (January 2020 – June 2022) will push the Next Generation Internet a step further by providing cascade funding to EU-based researchers and innovators in carrying out Next Generation Internet related experiments in collaboration with US research teams.
The aim is to bridge EU-US research experimentation activities on Next Generation Internet
The Next-Generation Internet (NGI) represents a key element among scientists and innovators in both the EU and United States (US). As result, experiments are effectuated on EU-US experimental platforms. The EU-funded Horizon 2020 NGI project intends to create the organisational and financial structure that will guide the cascade funding of EU-based researchers working on NGI experiments, alongside with counterparts in the US funded by the US-based funding agencies. The project will develop and manage a platform for the use of targeted researchers’ communities and will encourage and support the cascade funding of regular research projects and experiments. It will mobilise the users’ communities of both the EU and US to successfully promote trans-Atlantic collaboration. The project duration is 38 months (January, 2020 – June, 2022) and is expected to organise the funding of 30 experiments and 50 organisations. will develop, manage and publicise to the targeted user communities an organisational and financial funding platform that will stimulate and support an efficient process for regular research cycles of cascade funded projects engagements between EU and US innovators related to common priority topics of mutual benefit derived from within the EU’s NGI related Experimental Platforms, including FIRE, 5G-PPP, and the US’s relevant Internet programmes, including The NSF’s wired funded programmes, ENTeR / GENI and Future Cloud Platform, and their Platforms for Advanced Wireless Research (PAWR) program and their dedicated US-EU program entitled Internet Core & Edge Technologies, ICE-T, and its expected follow-up US-EU activities. The proposals for cascade funded projects in the lifetime of will be gathered from 5 well-publicised Open Calls, and a potential reserve sixth open call to align with the US NSF’s Dear Colleague Letter (DCL) Supplement Fund timings. The funded projects will emerge from clearly established selection criteria, through a transparent and efficient process utilising an External Pool of Evaluators. A continuous monitoring activity of the funded project will be implemented, paired to an effective dissemination, communication and exploitation plan, to maximise impact.