Mobile Ecosystem and Pervasive Sensing (MEPS) Unit provides expertise and knowledge across three main thematic areas focusing on Bio-Nano Telecommunications, Pervasive Sensing and Embedded Systems Control.
The MEPS team comprises of Postdocs/Phds, Software Developers, Electronic Engineers, Multi Media Developers and Senior Researchers. The team brings expertise in new and emerging technologies as well as closer to market and more commercially viable prototypes and products. The MEPS unit is always eager to share their knowledge and insights and welcome new collaborations with industry and academia for greater impact.
Frances Cleary
Currently Frances is a Research Unit Manager in TSSG, Waterford Institute Of Technology and actively leads the MEPS Research Unit. Frances has worked in TSSG for the past 14 years on research topics relating applicable to the transport and health sectors. Currently her research aligns with the thematic areas of the MEPS Unit ( Bio-Nano communications, Pervasive Sensing and Embedded Systems control). Frances guides and manages the MEPS Unit team and their activities, initiating future research strands and collaborations, building on the Units current successes.
Martin Tolan
Martin is the Technical Lead in the MEPS research group. His main research activity is currently focused on transport safety and the communications between vehicles to share safety information. This research is funded through the EU H2020 TransSec project. Also carrying out research within the medical devices domain and I am responsible for the technical architecture and leadership of the CDaaS project which is funded by the Enterprise Ireland commercialisation fund. Previously I have worked on the coordination of the EU H2020 CogNet project and its main objectives was the application of machine learning to provide autonomic network management for 5G networks.
Ryan McCloskey
Ryan is a Junior Software Developer whose primary work includes TransSec, an EU-funded H2020 research project focused on road transport security and V2X communications, and the Environmental Air Pollution Monitoring System, a low-cost environmental air quality observation system.
Dr. Ruisong Han
Ruisong is a Postdoctoral Researcher in the H2020 project TransSec.
My research interests are Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) communication in the Intelligent Transport System (ITS), and Wireless Sensor Network (WSN). TransSec targets at realising highly efficient and secured message dissemination in emergency simulations, and our current research focuses are GeoNetworking and Decentralized Congestion Control to improve the communication efficiency.
Tom Walsh
Senior Software Engineer in Mobile Ecosystem and Pervasive Sensing (MEPS) Unit
Lead Architect and Software Engineer on CDaaS CF
Current Research Interests: Movement Analysis, Serverless Cloud Development and Devops
Peter Scanlon
Peter is an Experienced Software Developer with TSSG. While working at TSSG he has worked on various projects including Innovation Vouchers and Innovation Partnerships. Peter also took part in the NDRC Pre-Commercialisation programme and spearheaded a submission in Enterprise Ireland’s July 2018 call. Currently Peter is working on a Commercialisation Fund called CDaaS. He is the frontend developer, where is he is developing a mobile application that will integrate with a lab on chip device. Programming languages being used are React Native and Typescript. He is also assisting in a submission for H2020 proposal. Peters main thematic area is Pervasive Sensing with a strong interests in Gait Analysis.
Kieran Sullivan
Kieran is a senior research engineer, working on a H2020 project called To-Euro-5G. He has worked on European projects since 2008 and his research interests include TeraHertz communication, network management, energy efficiency, and data analytics.
Nithin Padmaprabhu
Nithin is an Experienced Software Developer in the Mobile Ecosystem & Pervasive Sensing Research Group. His main research activity is related to transport (smart mobility) and road safety with a particular focus on developing a prototype of intelligent safer traffic junctions, Brain to vehicle interfacing and V2X communication (Autonomous vehicles). TransSec is the EU funded H2020 project I’m working on, and this project is all about communicating various risk levels to infrastructure (V2I), vehicles (V2V) and people (V2P) around the vehicle. Previously worked on Pedestrian and Cyclists Detection Systems (PCD) applicable to HGV and Buses.
Michael Taynnan Barros
Michael is an Experienced post-doc researcher and is the leader of the Biocommunications subunit of MEPS working on the TSSG Brain Initiative, CONNECT and VistaMilk. My research concentrates on molecular communications, nanonetworks, internet of bio-nano-things and computational neuroscience.
Geoflly de Lima Adonias
Geofly is a PhD Student and is currently working on a concept of a brain-computer interface that would be capable of sensing and processing neuronal signaling in order to modulate artificial information through the neuronal network of the cortex that will minimize interference with the natural signaling.
Yahya Almardeny
Currently working on AI project called CDaas that is a cloud-based infection disease detection system, he leads the development of the Machine Learning System. His main focus will be on Data Ingestion & Storage, Data Exploration/Transformation Layer, Machine Learning Models Design, Algorithms & Implementation and Microservices Integration. Also Yahya is a main developer in the TransSec project, which at its core, is an EU project which aims to develop autonomous & intelligent systems to detect and prevent the vehicle-based terror attacks which have been on the rise in Europe.
Dr. Nabiul Islam
Dr. Nabiul Islam is currently a Marie Curie EDGE postdoctoral fellow (supported jointly by European Commission and SFI Connect centre, Ireland) at the MEPS research unit, TSSG. Before joining TSSG, he was an ERCIM postdoctoral fellow at Department of Electronic systems, NTNU, Norway from November, 2016 to December, 2017. Nabiul Islam received his Ph.D. degree in computer science and engineering from Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur (IITKGP), India, in 2017. His current research interests include the design and development of algorithmic framework to enable bacterial nanonetworks to dissolve bacterial biofilms, and decoding spikes trains from head directional neuronal cells.