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Technical Lead

Sean Lyons

ORCID: 0000-0003-0342-7491

  • Masters of Business Administration, MBA, University of Limerick
  • Mechanical Engineering Degree, BA, BAI, Trinity College Dublin

Personal Summary

As Technical Lead, Sean drives the groups focus into the energy challenges of moving from the old centralised model to the smart grid with distributed and renewable energy sources.

Key research themes include:-

  • Renewable Energy Integration
  • SmartGrid
  • Energy Optimisation Systems

In the area of Renewable Energy, Sean’s work includes developing the SECO platform which integrates local energy sources with variable loads and market tariffs. Incorporating variable and intermittent renewable energy technologies such as wind and solar is critical to decarbonising our environment and reducing our reliance on finite fossil fuels. Work includes forecasting and predicting the generation capabilities of these distributed resources based on the myriad of environmental and infrastructural conditions that affect them.

This aspect feeds in to the smart grid to facilitate the paradigm shift that is required to transform the current unidirectional system to an intelligent network where supply and demand are balanced with distributed and renewable sources of energy using aggregation and flexibility.

Energy Optimisation is the link to give the intelligence and control to allow end users become prosumers and facilitate them to be key players to drive this new paradigm shift. The piSCES project pulls these strands together and will allow end users, either individually or in clusters, to participate in the market and potentially be price makers as opposed to price takers.

Sean has extensive commercial experience in various technical and business roles and brings this experience to bear in linking new technological developments with real live scenarios to improve and streamline processes.