ORCID: 0009-0001-0997-4659
Kavindu Sellahewa is currently pursuing a PhD in adaptive optics and satellite component design for quantum communications at Walton Institute, funded under the CoQREATE project by SFI. He is currently investigating the factors of optical turbulence, cloud cover, and beam wandering that affect free space quantum communications.
Kavindu’s research interests include: satellite-based quantum communications; biomedical physics; astrophysics; machine learning; and deep learning.
J. Adassuriya, K. Sellahewa, K.P.S.C. Jayaratne, S. Ganesh, “AlphaTg: GUI application for flux and limb derivatives of UBVRI, Kepler and TESS pass-bands for asteroseismology applications”, Astronomy and Computing, Volume 42, 2023.